
It is time for the World’s largest network for climate action!

We Don’t Have Time is the world’s largest social network for climate action. During November 1-12, 2021, you have the unique opportunity to follow the most crucial climate conference this decade.

We Don’t Have Time is the world’s largest social network for climate action. During November 1-12, 2021, you have the unique opportunity to follow the most crucial climate conference this decade. Participate online – for free – and listen to over 250 speakers in the climate sphere. 

We are honored to participate in the broadcast titled “Circular Electronics” on Tuesday, November 9th. Here, you can listen to our CEO, Martin Backman, and Ove Lidström, Head of Business Development & Innovation for our business area Circular Workspace Solutions. Martin and Ove will share some of our insights on how circular IT solutions can give enterprises, public entities and end-users access to more affordable, high-quality technology with longer lifespan, and with lower carbon emission as a result. Simply put, a more sustainable and profitable way of handling IT equipment.  

​​“Foxway is operating as a key player, an inspiration, and a role model for the IT industry to change into a circular way of doing business. Thus, it is a great honor to be one of the speakers in the world’s largest network for climate change and at the same time share our knowledge and expertise about climate-smart IT solutions.”

Martin Backman, CEO, Foxway

There will be daily broadcasts directly from the UN Climate Change Conference in Glasgow, Scotland and from hubs across Europe, including Stockholm. Listen to top speakers from organizations who lead the way through bold climate action. 

Join us and the We Don’t Have Time network in taking climate action, today.
See you there!


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