Advisory & Insight services

Self-service portal

Why sustainable data is necessary
Organizations face an increased regulative request for reporting their environmental footprint. To manage the impact of tech-related services used and procured from Foxway, we have developed a tool to easily extract data. The data is provided as sustainability data and generated from the operations.

What data can be produced?
As a user, you will be able to download relevant data such as:

  • CO2 footprint in Scope 3 of procured tech (detailed level)
  • Estimated (baseline) of assumed energy consumption.
  • Waste material recycling reports according to the WEEE regulations
  • Avoidance data (find more information in our services related to Customized Carbon Handprint Reports)

The data is generated daily and connected to our related transactions with your organization.

By measuring the data, and understanding its environmental impact, the organization can make more sustainable choices. The data can advantageously be used in your strategic sustainability plan. It gives the company better possibilities to improve its sustainability performance and get insight supported by facts from the business operations.

Stefan Nilsson, ESG Director at Foxway

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