Advisory & Insight services

Customized handprint reports

What do we mean by carbon handprint?
In contrast to carbon footprint, which refers to the negative environmental impact throughout the lifecycle of a product, the term handprint refers to the positive environmental impact of refurbishing a product to enable one more lifecycle. The purpose of carbon handprint assessment is to calculate the beneficial greenhouse gas impacts of a product compared to an alternative solution (producing a new mobile or laptop).

Add value to your business through outstanding data
When using our recovery services (returning a used device) or lifecycle services (buying or renting a refurbished product) we can provide validated data according to the “carbon handprint” methodology.

The carbon handprint method uses validated ISO methods to calculate the positive impact of returning and enabling a used tech device for future use. This is done by refurbishing the devices and making them available to new users. The effect of today’s regulatory recommendations by science-based targets or the Green House Gas Protocol would be:

  • Return of a device: Informative data about avoidance data (approximately 98% of the production carbon footprint)
  • Procurement of a refurbished device: Informative and regulative reporting data where the production carbon footprint will be about 2-3% compared to a new device.

The amount of e-waste generated in 2019 equals the weight of almost 4,500 Eiffel towers. We need to change our consumer pattern to be more sustainable. Get the data and insights you need, and be able to do more sustainable choices.

Stefan Nilsson, ESG Director at Foxway

How does it work in reality?

As a customer, you receive regular carbon handprint reports from Foxway. The data is available per product category and summarized in the reports.

The data can be used as information in your annual sustainability report as avoidance data (if returned) or used as low-footprint data (if procured). Conceptually the carbon handprint reduces the negative footprint made by the tech industry, and by our data, you can get a better understanding of your company’s data and environmental impact.

A fully implemented tech-as-a-service model at your company can reduce the carbon footprint by more than 50%. The carbon handprint reporting service can be a guide to start the journey towards a lower impact and reaching the targets set by an organization. Data is power, and by using our carbon handprint reports, you get valuable insights that benefit both your organization and the environment.

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